Okay, that may have been an exaggeration. I'm sure the Republican students are out there, but they aren't exactly coming out to support their candidate. And who can blame them.
Sen. John McCain is old, out-of-touch, computer illiterate, and has been a little erratic (Oh, God, I used the "e" word). Trinity Bracey, my favorite Sen. Barack Obama supporting freshman, told me that McCain makes her fall asleep.
While wearing that Obama/Biden pin or t-shirt has become as trendy as Northface fleeces and Ugg, a McCain/Palin sticker is more like wearing a beret.

Okay, I'm not going to ramble onto a long-winded post here. My main concern with McCain is his age (72) and his inconsistency.
McCain has ran an awful campaign. check out this article for some campaign analysis. It was awful because he didn't run as himself, a bi-partisan moderate Republican. Instead, he tossed around the idea of being a Maverick, whatever the hell that means, but really just came off as a confused old man.
As a moderate Republican, he could have distanced himself from President George Bush and not lost the Republican vote because the GOP would see him as the better of two evils in comparison to the very left Sen. Barack Obama.
I know the statistic, that McCain voted with Bush 90 percent of the time, but this is Washington we're talking about. Just because you vote with someone, in the end, doesn't mean you didn't put up a fight. Here' s a quote from a Times Online article:
From then on he became the most reliably anti-Bush figure in the whole Republican Party. He clashed with the President over tax cuts, judicial appointments, the conduct of the war in Iraq, the treatment of detainees in the War on Terror and on campaign finance reform.
When he sought his party's nomination in the primary this year, he was attacked by almost all the other candidates for being insufficiently supportive of President Bush's policies and core conservative principles.
But with winning the nomination, McCain took on a responsibility to be as much like the rest of his party as possible. which led to a connection to Bush.
My second concern is really that McCain could die in office because he has lived such a full life. It would be awful to lose a president in office and even more awful without a strong contingency plan.
There is nothing presidential about Sarah Palin.
In my opinion, McCain would have had a real legit shot at winning tomorrow if he would have done one thing. Stood up against Bush and the rest of Congress when it came to this Wall Street bailout.
I have a big decision tomorrow and I don't know what I'm going to do. Either a) vote McCain because I don't think government should get any bigger and hopefully he would find a way to do so, b)vote for Obama because things are messed up right now and with a favorable Congress he can at least invoke change while McCain would have difficult; or c) vote for Libertarian candidate George Phillies or write in Ron Paul (my favorite candidate in the primaries) because they may see things more my way.
The idea is this. I'm skeptical about both candidates and do not see either as ideal. All I want out of this election is for the 18-25 voter demographic to go out there and put up a big turnout number so maybe that won't be the case in 2012.
I'll be posting tomorrow with my final decision first after I go vote at 9.
I am fairly sure Bob Barr is the Libertarian Party's candidate. George Phillies is only running in New Hampshire.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's correct. I noticed that on my ballot this morning. Bob Barr is the Libertarian candidate. (here's a link http://www.bobbarr2008.com/splash/?s0820) I know I wrote in my latest post that I don't care who anyone voted for, but I'm curious about you Rob, because you said you are a Libertarian. Did you vote for a third party candidate, or did you break down for the Democrat of the Republican? You don't have to tell me who you voted for, I'm just curious about third party voters.